Why Choose a CDFA? Essential Financial Tips for Navigating Divorce

Why Choose a CDFA? Essential Financial Tips for Navigating Divorce

Paperwork saying goal: financial freedom after divorce financials helpDivorce is often more than a legal split; it’s a financial disentanglement that can shape your future. Many individuals going through a divorce seek out Certified Divorce Financial Analysts (CDFAs) like Michele Laws at Divorce Dollars to navigate this process. Whether it’s uncovering hidden assets, managing finances, or building a post-divorce financial plan, Michele and her team help clients make sound financial decisions and prepare for a successful future.

What a CDFA Can Do for You

With Michele’s expert guidance, Divorce Dollars offers a suite of services to support clients through this challenging period. Services include:

  • Comprehensive Financial Analysis: Understanding your full financial picture and assessing marital assets and liabilities.
  • Forensic Investigations: Digging deeper into finances to uncover hidden assets.
  • Business Valuation: Calculating the value of a shared business to ensure a fair settlement.
  • Post-Divorce Wealth Planning: Developing a sustainable financial plan for life after divorce.

As one of Michele’s clients shared in a recent testimonial, “Before I met Michele, I felt overwhelmed and lost about my financial future. I didn’t know where to start or who to trust. Now, I feel empowered and prepared.”


The Power of Divorce Financial Planning: Before and After Working with Michele Laws

When individuals first approach Michele, many are uncertain about their financial future. After working with Michele and Divorce Dollars, clients report feeling more informed, secure, and financially independent. Let’s break down the key ways that working with a CDFA can make a difference:

Before Divorce Dollars

  • Financial anxiety, with many clients unaware of the full scope of their marital finances.
  • Feelings of overwhelm and confusion about how to manage or negotiate their financial interests in the divorce.


After Divorce Dollars

  • Clarity and confidence in financial decisions, leading to a fairer division of assets.
  • Knowledge and tools to build a solid financial foundation post-divorce.


How Divorce Dollars Empowers Clients in St. Louis, Missouri, and Metro East Illinois

Hiring a CDFA for divorce money help is about more than just the numbers—it’s about peace of mind. Michele’s clients often come from the St. Louis, Missouri, and Metro East Illinois areas, seeking a trusted advisor who can explain complex financial details in simple terms.

Here are a few of the most common reasons people seek divorce help from Michele and Divorce Dollars:

  1. Understanding Financials in Divorce: Divorce Dollars explains the ins and outs of financial divorce tips, like how to protect personal savings, assess retirement accounts, and understand the long-term impact of alimony or child support.
  2. Uncovering Hidden Assets: Michele’s forensic skills allow her to identify overlooked or hidden assets, ensuring clients get their fair share. “I had no idea my spouse had been setting aside money in a separate account,” shares a Divorce Dollars client. “Without Michele’s help, I would have never known!”
  3. Building a Post-Divorce Financial Strategy: Michele assists clients with budgeting and investment planning, helping them establish financial security beyond the divorce. Divorce Dollars empowers clients to feel prepared for the future and confident in their financial standing.


Why Choosing a CDFA Like Michele Laws & Divorce Dollars is Essential

Michele’s approach is not only focused on ensuring fair settlements but also on creating a foundation for financial independence. With divorce help that goes beyond paperwork, she listens to each client’s unique needs and crafts a personalized financial plan. Whether it’s valuing a business, tracing assets, or offering financials divorce tips, Michele’s guidance is invaluable.

As one client described, “Michele didn’t just help me understand the numbers; she empowered me to take control of my life again.”

Choosing a CDFA like Michele Laws and the team at Divorce Dollars provides critical divorce money help to those navigating a complex financial landscape. With Michele’s guidance, clients in St. Louis, Missouri, and Metro East Illinois, and nationwide are able to approach divorce with confidence, knowing they have an advocate who understands the intricate details of financial planning.

Whether it’s clarifying assets, protecting future income, or rebuilding financial security, Divorce Dollars ensures that each client’s financial future is in capable hands. Schedule a FREE 1 Hour Consultation by calling us at (618) 416-6229 or filling out the form here.